Curing the inevitable carbohydrate cravings on any diet – takes work and commitment and a decision

Curing the inevitable carbohydrate cravings on any diet – takes work and commitment and a decision

Carbohydrate cravings are inevitable, and naturally increase over time, especially on a low carbohydrate diet
during carbohydrate deprivation. So, what can you do to control your sweet and starch cravings, so you don’t
cheat on your diet? What can you do to stay focused? How can you conquer and combat your sweet and starch
cravings? The key to this puzzle is to understand that you cannot control your sweet and starch cravings. You
cannot magically wish them away, or do anything in fact, that will make your carbohydrate cravings vanish.
Carbohydrate cravings are inevitable on any diet. What you can do is learn to ride the horse in the direction it’s
going and not fall off. Accept that you will have tremendous carbohydrate cravings on any diet. Realize that
there’s nothing you can do to make these cravings go away. Stop looking for the magic cure for carbohydrate
cravings. It isn’t out there, it isn’t coming, and it doesn’t exist. Carbohydrate cravings are a part of dieting. You
can’t get around them. Sweet and starch cravings are a consequence of being alive. You can’t conquer your
cravings, any more than you can conquer feeling sleepy where you are tired. Both are inevitable. You can’t get
rid of carbohydrate cravings, any more than you can stop wanting to scratch an itchy mosquito bite. But you can
do with your carbohydrate cravings the same thing you do with that mosquito bite. You can put on a little
Calamine or Bactine, and don’t scratch the thing. More tomorrow.