Carbs on a Stream

Carbs on a Stream

Close your eyes. See yourself sitting beside a gently flowing stream with leaves floating along the surface of the water. Now, take your top 1, 2 or 3 top carbohydrate cravings, allow them to enter your mind, place each one on a leaf… and allow them to float by. Do this with each craving – place it on a leaf and let it float by. If your thoughts momentarily stop, continue to watch the stream. Sooner or later, your thoughts will start up again. Put your carbohydrate cravings on a leaf, and allow it to float by. Allow the stream to flow at its own pace. Don’t try to speed it up and rush your cravings. You’re not trying to rush the leaves along or “get rid” of your cravings. You are allowing your cravings to come and go at their own pace. If your mind says “This is dumb,” “I’m bored,” or “I’m not doing this right”, place those thoughts on leaves too, and allow them to float by. Then go back putting to your carbohydrate cravings on a leaf, 1 craving on each leaf, and allow them to float by. If a leaf gets stuck, allow it to hang around until it’s ready to float by. If a stray thought comes up again, put it on a leaf too, and allow it to float by. If a difficult or painful feeling arises, acknowledge it. Say “I notice myself having a feeling of boredom or impatience or frustration.” Put those thoughts on leaves too, and allow them float by. From time to time, your thoughts may hook you and distract you from putting your cravings on leaves, and allowing them to float by. This is normal. As soon as you realize that you have become sidetracked, gently bring your attention back to your cravings on leaves, and allow them to float by. Open your eyes.