The problem with behavioral measures for weight loss, is that the weight loss stops the minute you stop doing
them. If you write down everything you put in your mouth in a special weight loss diary, this kind of diet
journaling does promote weight loss. But as soon as you stop writing, your weight loss is going to stop. If you
make a special effort to put down your fork between every bite, and chew each mouthful and swallow it before
you put anything else in your mouth, you will likely lose weight. But once again, your weight loss will stop as soon
as you stop the sillyness. It’s interesting that behavioral measures have no long-term learning effect on weight loss,
and weight loss stops or exstinguishes, as soon as you stop the artificial measures. From a medical viewpoint, this
makes sense. Overweight is about excess fat storage, caused by excess carbohydrate intake. Behavioral
measures are temporary and don’t work in the long run, unless you address the key problem, and limit or
eliminate carbohydrates.