The most important thing you can do to lose weight is to drink you weight in ounces of water every day. If you
weigh 150 pounds, drink 150 ounces of water every day. The second most important thing you can do to lose
weight is to realize that calories count. You cannot freely feed on protein and fat, or freely feed on fat-free food,
and expect to lose weight. Freely feeding on Atkins or freely feeding on Pritikin doesn’t work. You won’t lose
weight eating 3000 calories a day of ribs or 3000 calories a day of bacon and eggs. Neither will you lose weight
eating 3000 calories of fat-free bagels or 3000 calories a day of bananas. The third thing you can do to lose
weight, is count to 1500. Limit you calories to 1500 a day, and you’ll lose weight.