In the fall of 2011, I began interviewing the best diet doctors in the country for a weight loss documentary. I asked everyone the same two questions. What do you think happened that we got so fat? And what are the best things you do, that help patients lose weight. These conversations contain the real secrets of weight loss, from the best American diet doctors in the trenches. Diet doctor Jerry Sutkamp in Cincinnati talks about the one food addiction behind the American obesity epidemic. Diet doctor Mike Steelman in Oklahoma City talks about how prescription medication made us fat. Medical administrator Lisa Beale in Washington, D.C. talks about the 3 foods she teaches you to eat, so you don’t have a weight problem. Diet doctor Denise Bruner in Washington D.C. talks about how eating healthy foods, metabolically made us fat. Diet doctor Tom Cooper in Atlanta talks about how bad parenting caused the American obesity epidemic, and how to deal with force feeders and diet saboteurs. Diet doctor Allen Rader in Boise, Idaho talks about a new way to think about what you put in your mouth that can stop the American obesity epidemic. I asked everyone the same two questions. What do you think happened that we got so fat? And what are the best things you do, that help patients lose weight?