If you want to speed up the Cat Food Diet even more, and eliminate the constipation (very little is going in, so very litle will go out) – try what I call the steriod version. Start on the basic Cat Food Diet program. Go as long as you can without eating. When you can’t stand it anymore, when you absolutely, positively have to eat something – eat two 3-4 ounce cans of the same Cat Food (tuna, turkey, chicken, salmon, sardine, clams, mussels, lobster, crab). Repeat the process. You’ll probably eat 4 – 6 cans a day. Do this for 2 days. On day 3, change gears. Eat nothing but vegetables, as much as you want without butter, oil or fat – any vegetable you like except peas, potatoes or corn. Roast the vegetables in the oven, steam them, sautee them in bouillon. On day 4, go back on 2 days of Cat Food again.