The best way to cook a low carb steak at home isn’t on your grill (home grills just burn), or in your broiler (home broilers just steam), but in your oven. Take a 2 inch thick steak, lightly cover both sides with olive oil, and sprinkle one side with Canadian Steak Seasoning (Gordon Food Service). Take a stainless steel frying pan, no butter or oil, and heat it on a high burner for 10 minutes, until the pan is screaming hot. Drop your steak in the pan and sear it for 2.5 minutes a side. Once the steak hits the pan, don’t touch it until you turn it over. After searing, remove the steak from the pan, and let it sit on a plate at room temperature for 30 minutes. Put the steak back in the pan, and put the pan in a 425 degree oven for 10-12 minutes, depending if you like your steak rare or medium rare.