The best way to stay on a diet without cheating is to use Implosion (bugs on what you are craving) to extinguish
your desire to cheat, or Metaphor (imagery that you are dragging around what you are craving) or Reframing
(the notion that you can crave something, and not put it in your mouth). In addition to the examples I’ve given the
past 3 days, there are many other variations of Implosion, Metaphor and Reframing. For Implosion, any kind of
negative or noxious imagery associated with what you are craving will work. For Metaphor, any kind of imagery
associated with what you are craving, dragging you down or stopping your life from working is effective. For
Reframing, any kind of imagery that makes present for you the notion that you can’t control your cravings, but
you can control putting food in your mouth works.