It’s always easier to eat nothing at all than to eat a little, so every day, go as long as you can without eating. If you’re not hungry for breakfast, don’t eat breakfast. If you’re not hungry for lunch, don’t eat lunch. Skip dinner. Most patients can go for days without eating in perfect health, as long as they are drinking a gallon (128 ounces) of non-caloric fluid every day. There’s no science that suggests eating before you get hungry helps weight loss. It’s just custom and practice, and that doesn’t mean it’s right. From a clinical standpoint, many patients lose weight successfully by not eating every other day, or by eating very little every other day, or by not eating 2 or 3 days a week. Starving a couple days a week can be a very good way to lose weight, especially for patients who can never follow a low carbohydrate diet. On your starving or not eating days, try to keep your calories at 500 or below. The easiest way to do this is to eat just low carbohydrate vegetables on your starvation days.