There are number of reasons I always strongly advise low carbohydrate weight loss diets over traditional
balanced low calorie, low fat diets. (1) Fat and cholesterol are essentially harmless. There’s not much science
that supports that fat and cholesterol are bad for you. After 50 years of pushing low fat diets on the American
public and now statins (drugs that lower cholesterol), the science suggests that the higher your cholesterol, the
lower your cancer risk, and there’s no association between your serum cholesterol and risk of heart disease. (2)
The American (and world-wide) obesity epidemic skyrocketed in the 70’s, when people started replacing fat
calories with carbohydrate calories. Carbohydrate causes fat storage. The obesity epidemic makes perfect
biochemical sense. Substituting carbohydrate calories for fat calories makes a ton of alpha glycerol phosphate,
which makes fat storage very efficient. (3) Every study of balanced low calorie, low fat diets – strongly suggests
that they don’t work anywhere near as well as low carbohydrate diets for weight loss or weight maintenance.