Lose weight faster on Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice – by pitching the carbs

Lose weight faster on Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice – by pitching the carbs

The fastest weight loss is on 500-600 calories a day, and the good news is that if you cut calories this much, it
almost doesn’t matter what you eat. On 500-600 calories a day, you will deplete your liver glycogen supply, so
you will burn body fat directly and efficiently. The trick is to figure out 500-600 calories a day you can live one.
You’ll feel best and have more energy, if most of your calories come from protein and fat. The problem with
Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice and Healthy Steamers, even though they are 250-300 calorie portions, is that
usually 50-80% of their calories come from carbohydrate. You won’t feel as good, as if most of the calories
came from protein. For a 600 calorie diet, rather than eat Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice twice a day, I have
patients eat 2 Lean Cuisine or 2 Healthy Choice twice a day – but pitch the carbohydrate. Throw out the pasta
or rice or noodles or potatoes. The best weight loss studied occurs with rigorous portion control. Lean Cuisine
and Healthy Choice and Healthy Steamers are a great way to rigidly limit your calories. But pitch the carbs.
You’ll feel better