Cognitive Defusion for weight loss

Cognitive Defusion for weight loss

Cognitive Defusion works on your carbohydrate cravings by making it easier for you have sweet and starch cravings, and not give into them. When you defuse your carbohydrate cravings, you remove the emotional intensity behind the cravings, so it’s easier to stay away from problem foods. Defusion isn’t logical, it’s de-conditioning. The easiest way to understand Defusion is to say “Hershey Bar” out loud, and experience what a Hershey Bar means to you. You’ll think about the taste, the consistency, the wrapper, licking chocolate off your fingers, etc. Now say “Hershey Bar” out loud again, and keep saying it aloud, again and again, for 1 minute. At the end of 1 minute, the words no longer have anywhere near the emotional impact. The words are more sound, than anything related to a chocolate bar. Cognitive Defusion can do the same thing to your carbohydrate cravings. More tomorrow.