Carbocalories don’t work – you end up eating way too many calories and carbohydrates to lose weight

Carbocalories don’t work – you end up eating way too many calories and carbohydrates to lose weight

Carbocalories don’t work, because you end up eating way too many calories and way too many carbohydrates
to lose weight. The carbocalories in a food are calculated as ((20 x grams of carbohyrdrate) + calories)/24. The
idea was to eat under 100 carbocalories a day, and you would lose 5 pounds a week. Doesn’t work. Using an
egg for example, ((20 x 1) + 80)/24 = 4 carbocalories. Eating 100 carbocalories a day, means you can eat 25
eggs a day, which is 2000 calories, which is way too many calories to lose weight. Using a bagel for example,
((20 x 80) +320)/24 = 80 carbocalories. Eating 100 carbocalories a day, means you can eat 1 1/4 bagels a day,
which is 100 grams of carbohydrate, which is way too many carbohydrates to lose weight. Keep your calories
under 1500 a day, and your carbohydrates under 10 grams a feeding, and you’ll lose weight.