Because it’s always easier to eat nothing at all than to eat a little, a popular way to do my Meat, Fruit and Vegetable Diet is to eat just one giant meal a day. Go as long as you can without eating each day. When you absolutely, postively have to eat, go for it. Your meal consists of 2-3 pieces of fruit, up to a pound (16 ounces) of meat, and up to 3 cups of vegetables. The diet is still good for 3-5 pounds a week, because if you do the math, and stick to chicken or fish, your calories are about 900 a day, even with this one collosal meal. 3 pieces of fruit is about 300 calories, assuming a large apple, a banana and an orange. A pound of fish is about 500 calories, figuring 16 ounces at about 30 calories an ounce. 3 cups of low carbohydrate vegetables is about 100 calories, figuring 35 calories a cup.